Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bond Week 2

Not a lot has happened, yet a lot has happened in the past week. So I'll try to start where I left off...

Wednesday-Friday it rained. Non-stop heavy rain. I've honestly never seen so much water for so long. The lake in the middle of our campus flooded as you can see in my pictures. I brought a rain coat with me but it is a very thin one so I was wet every time I had to walk outside. I didn't bring an umbrella and the bookstore was sold out. Luckily once the rain passed I was able to find one... so next time I'll be prepared. 

 This past Sunday was also my 21st birthday. It was very much a bitter sweet day. All my life I wished I had a summer birthday. I was so envious of my sister having a birthday in August. I never would have dreamt that one day I would have my birthday in Australia where it was a beautiful sunny day. So in that aspect it was sweet. However, I also had my first birthday away from my family and closest friends. The age of 21 is also very built up in the states.
Before I left to go abroad one of my friends who studied abroad last year told me that one of the toughest days she had abroad was on her birthday. Leading up to my birthday I had her comment in my head and I thought that couldn't be true. However, that day definitely was the toughest day I've had so far in Australia. It was mainly the morning that was hard but as the day progressed it got much better and I appreciated where I was and the friends that I've made so far. I also appreciated all the birthday wishes I received on the Australian 25th of January. It was neat to receive birthday wishes for two days straight though when it was the 25th back home.

The night before my 21st some friends and I went out and got dinner and went out for a bit. It was pretty casual but it was nice. On the left is my first (American legal) drink.

On the 25th a few of us went to the beach and shopped around and then had fish and chips for lunch. We also went to the beach and it was an absolutely beautiful day. We shopped first and then went to the beach closer to 2pm because of how hot it was! I couldn't have asked for better weather. It was very relaxing. After the beach we went back and a couple of us had dinner on campus.
 On Monday was Australia Day which is a public holiday here that can be compared to the Fourth of July. Bond University still had classes but basically the rest of Australia was off. After class a bunch of us went to a bar that had a free BBQ going and it was fun. Everyone was dressed in Australia gear. Pretty neat that I got to be here for that.

I can't resist getting an iced coffee each morning. They are just too good. The hash browns are also super good. This spot is one of my favorites on campus. It's a bar counter facing the lake and the sun is always nice and warm.

 A day at the beach. I bought a new hat.

A dinner I had one night. I don't remember which, but the salmon was amazing.

 On Tuesday night I went to the volleyball club night and really enjoyed it. It was pretty casual and some people were not great but others were decent so although I'm very competitive, it was fun! I will look forward to doing that on Tuesdays.

 Tuesday night my friend and I went to the "hub" which is a bar/restaurant about 1 min walk away from our dorm. We got tim tam milkshakes. Tim tams are really popular in Australia and its basically just a chocolate wafer but they are good. The Hub is very neat and I look forward to taking all of my visitors there. (They have chess boards available to play so dad get ready to lose).

Wednesday days they have free BBQ lunches. I have to make that a mandatory lunch for myself because things are so expensive it is nice to get a free meal. Wednesday night is Res Wars where each dorm is a team and each week has a different event. This Wednesday was dodgeball, which I love. It was a lot of fun and our team won. We also get free pizza after (Woohoo for free food!)

Thursday morning my friends and I booked our trip to Bali for the middle of April! We are going for 6 nights! The university gives students a couple of days to study before finals but most students travel during that time. It should be a blast. We have planned an elephant safari ride and an ATV tour of the mountains and local area. We also plan to tour the temples and of course shop the local markets. We were also told that massages there are like $10 for an hour so count me in!!

In the day Thursday (today) I ran errands. I had a blast. First stop was to the gambling center. I went and put $20 on the Seahawks winning the super bowl. Then I put $10 on a score happening before 6 minutes. (Thanks Alex for the sports help). Go Seahawks!

Then I went to the mall because I needed to go to the apple store. I couldn't find it so I went up to a kiosk in the middle to ask for directions but I ended up seeing a guy I knew from Bond working. He was doing sales for a college and just had to talk to people that walked by. (side note: I have been really considering getting a part time job because of how expensive things are. I have a feeling of guilt every time I spend money. However, every place wants a bartender or barrister who has years of experience or someone who can work 5 days a week.) Anyway, I then texted the boss saying how I ran into these employees and I am looking for part time work and asked if he was hiring. (I paraphrased my text mother... obviously I was more professional than that). He responded saying to email him my resume! The guy I talked to only works one day a week from 9am-5pm. That would be perfect. I'll keep you updated.

Then I got lunch at Subway. Everything is relatively similar. The chips are all different brands (no Ms. Vickeys). Some different veggies. The biggest difference though is the cheese! Very disappointing coming from Wisconsin. They only have swiss and cheddar.
The cheese at the dinning center is also very much subpar. I've just been too spoiled! (pun intended) 

Tonight my friend and I went to the beach and town just to hang out. It was relaxing and nice.
 (picture from this afternoon)

Tomorrow I leave for Byron Bay for the weekend. I am excited for the trip! It sounds like a ton of fun and I know a good amount of people doing the trip!

Last comment. It's the end of week 2. I have 14 weeks here. Time is going to fly by. Aunt Lori is coming soon and then my family is visiting and then the Oenick sisters are coming and then Bali and then my time here will be over!
Bond handed out study planners to students that has all the weeks and days listed and for you to fill in your assignments. However, this visual reminder is really making me realize how short I am here for! I considered X'ing out each day as it passes, but I don't want to have a visual count down for when I leave. I might have to take it off my desk towards the end because its almost too much of a reminder. Next post I'll have to take a picture of this great/awful calendar.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Life in Aussie

I imagined having so much more to say on each blog post. What I've been doing or where I've been traveling. But... I am living here. I am not traveling every day, going on adventures, and I'm not busy every second. It's not a bad thing, more just unexpected. But life in Australia is setting in and I am forming new routines and ways to go about my days.

This weekend and the first day of class the realization that I came to Australia completely alone really set in. I had two people's phone numbers and no go-to friends to hang out with. I have made a lot of acquaintances so far but I am working on making more friends to be able to hang out with. Yes I felt a little lonely and yes I wanted to hang out with people... but Australia is no different than back home where I will at times feel lonely.
I thought I came into this experience with little expectations, but I've realized that I definitely did come in with some. I'm not sad nor upset that I don't have a bunch of new best friends yet.. but it's more the disappointment that comes along with reality not meeting your expectations.

However, there is a club sign up this Friday and I am really looking forward to signing up for sports clubs and different student organizations. I really think I will make some friends through that.

One thing I knew about myself, but has become much more apparent is that I always like to be surrounded by people and enjoy being busy and being stimulated. (note my previous paragraph). haha. I am working on enjoying my time alone. I hope to, in the end, become comfortable just being by myself.

 Photo evidence of me enjoying my time alone. But honestly, I felt so relaxed at this time just sitting on the patio reading a book in warm weather. PROGRESS

I am also planning a trip to Bali, Indonesia in April with a few people. I think tomorrow we are going to really plan it out with a trip adviser! I never in my life thought I would go to a place like Indonesia. The trip sounds amazing though. That is weird too planning vacations when I am already in Australia! Sounds like an odd concept.

Many Australians walk around barefoot. Not in exotic places but just walk around more barefoot than in the states. Some walk barefoot basically everywhere including stores and restaurant but most don't. Anyway, the first week I would slip on my sandals when I would leave my room to go do anything. But now, when I leave my room to go to the bathroom or fill up my water bottle or go down the hall... whatever it is I go barefoot. I love it. Never thought I'd see the day where I would walk into a public bathroom barefoot. It's actually quite nice.

The campus has an outdoor pool which I went to today to lay out for a bit. My friend and I also went to the local stores and walked around for a bit which was nice. 
I also worked out today and for some reason I now associate working out with texting friends and family from home. The ellipticals are all lined up facing a mirror so its slightly awkward staring at yourself doing the elliptical. So instead I have been catching up with my roommates and family which I enjoy doing.

This past weekend my friend and I went out in the town and were talking to locals. I was complimented multiple times on my accent. I was flattered! On campus about 50% of the students are international so the Australian students are not as amused by Americans as are locals who do not go to Bond University. However, I have been made fun of for my Midwestern accent by my American friends who are from the East coast... silly Americans. I got to start hanging out with locals more.

 My friend and I went to the mall a couple days ago and at one of the stores we were talking to the store employees asking for suggestions on local places to check out. They were so helpful and wrote out all their suggestions. This weekend I think we are going to try and check out some of the places!

After my first week of classes, I am very excited for the semester and to learn more about my courses. I am taking four courses. "Love and Relationships", "Alcohol, Drugs, & Crime", "Australian Popular Culture", and "Business Management." All the topics seem very interesting and the professors are great.

It is weird having no responsibilities. Obviously when school picks up I will have homework and readings. But nothing but myself. I don't have roommates to be concerned about, no chores that my mother asks me to do, no work, no student organizations. So different to always being busy at home. I sat with a friend at lunch the other day and I already ate so I was just hanging out while she ate. She said I didn't have to sit with her if I didn't want to... haha I laughed and said I don't have anything else to do. Literally.

 Sitting outside reading on campus with this view.

I am enjoying my time here and I am realizing that this is a learning process like anything else new in life.

(proof that I have a friend)
I know what you, Joe and Kayte, are thinking... no I did not pay someone random to stand next to me.

 Anyway, If nothing else... at least I am tan :)

Friday, January 16, 2015

First week at Bond Uni

My first week at Bond Uni has been great. Everything is great. The campus is absolutely beautiful. The weather is amazing. There is so much to do. When I first got here Monday afternoon I was in awe.

 This picture is a view from the patio in my dorm.

 My uni pictured below. The layout is very open and outdoor. Even to do the laundry I had to walk out of dorm and walk into a different room to get to them. The water pressure is amazing in the showers too!

My friend and I also booked a trip to go to Byron Bay in less than two weeks! On campus they have a student travel center that help with trips and have planned ones too. We were told that professors expect students to travel and usually understand when you have to miss class. The trip we booked is for 3 days and 2 nights. We are driving through the hippie capital of Australia on this hippie looking bus! (pictures to come). Then we go to Byron bay and we will kayak with dolphins, do a waterfall tour and have a barbeque with live music. Sounds very fun! I've never booked a travel where it is so soon. Usually when you plan a trip its like 10 months away.

The days were mainly spent shopping and trying to get situated. My friend and I had to go to the store and we went to the bus stop and hopped on the the first bus that pulled up. We were planning on going to the local Target. About 20 minutes on the bus we asked someone when the Target stop was... that's when we found out that there is more than one bus and we were on the wrong one. So we got off the bus and ended up walking to a grocery store where we found some things. We wandered the area that we were in and then went back to campus. We are slowly figuring out this whole public transit thing.

Note that neither of us have an Australian phone so we can only use our phones when we have wifi which is only on campus.

This week was also orientation week so there were some planned events but for the most part we had the days to do what we wanted. Two of the nights they had themed parties and were at the campus bar and those were fun to go to.  

The campus food is very good. However, like everything here... expensive! A bagel $5, a typical sandwich $14, and a small soda is $3. 

On Thursday my friend and I went to Burleigh heads beach which is suppose to be more of a local beach that is scenic. It was so pretty! We tanned for a bit and then decided to walk around because there was a hiking trail. The views were so pretty on the trail and then on the other side there was a calmer part of the ocean with a lot of people at that beach.
When hiking I had to be very aware to walk on the left side of the path. Since they drive on the left side they also move over to the left when walking toward someone which is different.

As you can see in my photo there is a bridge. Many kids were jumping off the bridge into the ocean. Obviously, I couldn't just watch people doing this and not join. So I walked over and jumped off the bridge! It was neat.. but while getting out of the water I grabbed onto a sharp rock and cut my hand up a bit. (I'm okay). But I had some rock pieces in my cuts and I wanted to buy hydrogen peroxide. We were at the beach for a good 5 hours... haha we originally planned on going for only a couple. 

After leaving the beach we decided to go straight to Target since last time was a fail. Everything is close by, but not walking distance. So we took the bus there. The Targets here a much different than back home. The store is mainly clothes and feels more like a department store. They didn't sell hydrogen peroxide nor any bandaids! But I did buy a frisbee, a blow dryer, and a small portable speaker for when we go to the beach.

Anyway, we left the Target and decided to walk to the liquor store which was about a 10 min walk away. Again, everything is crazy expensive... besides wine! Wine is cheap. The beer I bought was the cheapest beer there... 30 cans for $38. Most beer is a pack of 24 for $45. So we leave the store and are walking back to the bus stop (10 min walk). We felt like homeless people wandering around. haha. the 30 pack was sooo heavy and that black bag was what I was given from Target was heavy as well. I felt like someone in New York City selling purses with my black garbage bag from Target.

Today (Friday), my friend and I figured out our classes a bit more. I am currently enrolled in 5 classes but I will have to drop one after the first week. But it will be nice to see which one I like the least and be able to drop it.

Then today we had a scavenger hunt planned for us in the day. We met on campus and were given the things we had to find with the amount of points you would receive. It was 4 hours and the end meeting spot was a bus ride away. The point was to get more familiar with the nearby cities. I paired with 3 other competitive people and we were booking it. There was a $100 prize for first place so of course I wanted to win. Things included take a picture with someone wearing a Bond Uni shirt. Do a silent disco in the campus library, do the macarina infront of the Starbucks in the city. Order something creative at McDonalds. Finding different restaurants and taking pictures of them, etc. At the end we met at a restaurant to tally up the points... needless to say, my team won! We each got $25! I don't know what I'm going to do with all my winnings!

It still doesn't feel fully real that I am here. I talked to Bari (roommate from home) on Face time the night before she was leaving for abroad. She was very nervous, but I told her not to be. I was just as nervous and just as afraid before I left but looking back it is only the fear of the unknown. I was saying how honestly I will be sad when I have to leave to go back home. Everything is just so new and exciting and it'll be weird at the end to be leaving and not knowing the next time you will return and see all the people you have met again.

I also am starting to realize the underlying benefits of studying abroad. You meet so many people from all parts of the world. Everyone has different beliefs and understandings of the world. I think it is important to get out of your hometown and learn what others think and believe.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Cairns was great. The first day we went to the rainforest. I held a koala. That was amazing. I was SOOO excited and it was so cute and it was everything I had hoped for. The only thing is I held it for about 30 seconds and then they took it away. I personally imagined cuddling with it for about 30 minutes. But it might be one of my new favorite animals. Then we got to be with the Kangaroos and literally pet them for as long as we wanted. It's weird because this summer at state fair they had kangaroos in a cage and we couldn't touch them or anything. Here you could do anything.
We also took a tour ride in the rainforest. Before we left the employee casually said keep your hands and feet inside the car. I just thought she was saying that... Then we start going and we pull up to a bunch of plants and she stops. She explains that it's the deadliest plant alive. Haha it was like half an arms length away. Then there was like a crocodile that ran past us too. At this point I was fearful to even sit close to the edge! I thought the precautions were funny for how dangerous it actually was to put your hand out.

 Look what I painted mom!

On Sunday we went to the Great Barrier Reef. How crazy. I'm in Australia and went to the Great Barrier Reef! It was about a two hour boat ride out. We just relaxed and tanned on the boat. I actually snorkeled and I wasn't that afraid. It was a little choppy so it was almost more scary to look above the water than below. I really enjoyed it. I took a bunch of videos before actually getting underwater so by the time I got to the reef my video storage was full! But I could still take pictures so hopefully those turned out.

The boat back was fun too. We were getting soaked in the front of the boat from the waves. I got a little burnt but not too bad but I put on spf 30 and reapplied like 3 times so the sun is very hot! It'll turn into a tan though :)

On the way home I was thinking how Jake Kujawa (cousin) was in Cairns as well but I doubted I would see him since it was already Sunday and we haven't communicated since I got to Australia. 

We showered and went out to dinner. While in line to order my food there I see Jake eating dinner with his friends!! It was amazing and I was in disbelief that I saw him. We chatted and then he said he was going to Gilligans later with his friends. That's actually my hostel where I stayed and a bar as well, which is weird, but we were going there too later.

I had the fish and chips. We went there The night before too and I had the same thing. Haha I just liked it so much the first time why not get it again. 
The first time I ordered it I had the option of chips or potato. I wanted fries so I said potato in hopes that i'd get potato wedges or something. Nope I got a baked potato. So the second time I ordered when given the two options I asked if I could just have fries. She looked at me odd and said yes. Turns out  fries are called chips... Now I know. 
I also asked for silverware to someone else and she responded to me "Tupperware?" And I said "yes?" She said downstairs. So I go and ask for silverware and the lady said "utensils?" I said yes. Later I learned that Tupperware is not the same as silverware haha. Definelty some things that are completely different. 

Later at Gilligans it was a lot of fun to go out with the people on my program. Also, hung out with Jake and his friends too. 

Monday morning we woke up early and had an info session about the school and more about Australia. After that we packed and headed to the airport to go back to Brisbane and finally get to the school. (I'm on the bus now to bond university). It's weird because I feel like I was getting comfortable in Cairns and the people around me. It's weird that now will be my actual time studying abroad because I won't have an itinerary planned out for me every day and 30 people with too. It's as if I haven't experienced the independent abroad part yet. The school will have about 3,000 people that I won't know. I am a little nervous all over again but I'm excited. I plan to join clubs and intramurals which I know I will be meeting more people too. 

It's crazy how comfortable I feel with some of the people on my program already. I've known them for 3 days... It's funny because at the airport the first day I went to the bathroom and asked a new friend to watch my stuff. Then I said, how do I know I can even trust you.. I've known you for less than 24 hours. Haha. (Don't worry mom I'm being safe). When we arrive at the school I'm sure there will be some people I won't see much anymore but I'm really glad I was eased into everything with a group of 30 people and able to do what I've done. 

I'm so appreciative of everything. It's insane that I'm here. I don't feel homesick at all. I'm sure when I have more free time and when I'm less busy I might be more. But I also know that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and ends in 3 months so I have a good mindset. Stay tuned. 

Friday, January 9, 2015


It was sad to say goodbye to family at Chicago. I knew it would be, but I was excited for what was to come. The flight to LA felt pretty long.

In LA I met my first friends on the shuttle bus to the international terminal. It was very exciting and everyone wanted to meet each other. I had dinner with them and it was a ton of fun just to be with people who were about to embark on the same experience as you.

The 12 hour flight wasn't as bad as expected. I slept on and off through the night but the time change happened mostly during the night so wasn't too bad. It was really uncomfortable sitting in a middle seat and my arms and Butt got sore but it was fine. 

This morning I had breakfast three times. The air New Zealand flight woke us up at 4:30am to feed us breakfast. (Still don't know why). Then when we landed in NZ and had a layover I ate again. Then we flew to Australia and they are three hours behind so they served breakfast  on that flight as well! It was the longest morning ever! 

Today (still today since this morning was never ending) I feel like I actually bonded with some people. I felt a sense of euphoria all day. it was constant meeting new people and socializing with those in the same circumstance as you. We kept saying it's crazy how this will be our life for the next 3.5 months... But no matter how much I said it, it didn't feel real.

Finally we arrived in Cairns. I went over 35 hours wearing the same outfit. I felt disgusting. But honestly it made me feel better that everyone looked gross and was wearing the same outfit. 

Tonight we had a meeting with the agency staff and I finally started to feel like this was more of reality and less of a short term vacation. I'm still very excited but definelty realizing that there will be challenges and cultural changes that will take getting use to.

Overall, I'm glad my extended travel time is coming to an end... But I weirdly had a blast. I don't even know how many hours it was because of all the time change and extra layovers to get to Cairns. Also, I paid $2 to get this wifi... So mom and dad I hope you enjoy my post.