Friday, January 9, 2015


It was sad to say goodbye to family at Chicago. I knew it would be, but I was excited for what was to come. The flight to LA felt pretty long.

In LA I met my first friends on the shuttle bus to the international terminal. It was very exciting and everyone wanted to meet each other. I had dinner with them and it was a ton of fun just to be with people who were about to embark on the same experience as you.

The 12 hour flight wasn't as bad as expected. I slept on and off through the night but the time change happened mostly during the night so wasn't too bad. It was really uncomfortable sitting in a middle seat and my arms and Butt got sore but it was fine. 

This morning I had breakfast three times. The air New Zealand flight woke us up at 4:30am to feed us breakfast. (Still don't know why). Then when we landed in NZ and had a layover I ate again. Then we flew to Australia and they are three hours behind so they served breakfast  on that flight as well! It was the longest morning ever! 

Today (still today since this morning was never ending) I feel like I actually bonded with some people. I felt a sense of euphoria all day. it was constant meeting new people and socializing with those in the same circumstance as you. We kept saying it's crazy how this will be our life for the next 3.5 months... But no matter how much I said it, it didn't feel real.

Finally we arrived in Cairns. I went over 35 hours wearing the same outfit. I felt disgusting. But honestly it made me feel better that everyone looked gross and was wearing the same outfit. 

Tonight we had a meeting with the agency staff and I finally started to feel like this was more of reality and less of a short term vacation. I'm still very excited but definelty realizing that there will be challenges and cultural changes that will take getting use to.

Overall, I'm glad my extended travel time is coming to an end... But I weirdly had a blast. I don't even know how many hours it was because of all the time change and extra layovers to get to Cairns. Also, I paid $2 to get this wifi... So mom and dad I hope you enjoy my post.

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