Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bond Week 2

Not a lot has happened, yet a lot has happened in the past week. So I'll try to start where I left off...

Wednesday-Friday it rained. Non-stop heavy rain. I've honestly never seen so much water for so long. The lake in the middle of our campus flooded as you can see in my pictures. I brought a rain coat with me but it is a very thin one so I was wet every time I had to walk outside. I didn't bring an umbrella and the bookstore was sold out. Luckily once the rain passed I was able to find one... so next time I'll be prepared. 

 This past Sunday was also my 21st birthday. It was very much a bitter sweet day. All my life I wished I had a summer birthday. I was so envious of my sister having a birthday in August. I never would have dreamt that one day I would have my birthday in Australia where it was a beautiful sunny day. So in that aspect it was sweet. However, I also had my first birthday away from my family and closest friends. The age of 21 is also very built up in the states.
Before I left to go abroad one of my friends who studied abroad last year told me that one of the toughest days she had abroad was on her birthday. Leading up to my birthday I had her comment in my head and I thought that couldn't be true. However, that day definitely was the toughest day I've had so far in Australia. It was mainly the morning that was hard but as the day progressed it got much better and I appreciated where I was and the friends that I've made so far. I also appreciated all the birthday wishes I received on the Australian 25th of January. It was neat to receive birthday wishes for two days straight though when it was the 25th back home.

The night before my 21st some friends and I went out and got dinner and went out for a bit. It was pretty casual but it was nice. On the left is my first (American legal) drink.

On the 25th a few of us went to the beach and shopped around and then had fish and chips for lunch. We also went to the beach and it was an absolutely beautiful day. We shopped first and then went to the beach closer to 2pm because of how hot it was! I couldn't have asked for better weather. It was very relaxing. After the beach we went back and a couple of us had dinner on campus.
 On Monday was Australia Day which is a public holiday here that can be compared to the Fourth of July. Bond University still had classes but basically the rest of Australia was off. After class a bunch of us went to a bar that had a free BBQ going and it was fun. Everyone was dressed in Australia gear. Pretty neat that I got to be here for that.

I can't resist getting an iced coffee each morning. They are just too good. The hash browns are also super good. This spot is one of my favorites on campus. It's a bar counter facing the lake and the sun is always nice and warm.

 A day at the beach. I bought a new hat.

A dinner I had one night. I don't remember which, but the salmon was amazing.

 On Tuesday night I went to the volleyball club night and really enjoyed it. It was pretty casual and some people were not great but others were decent so although I'm very competitive, it was fun! I will look forward to doing that on Tuesdays.

 Tuesday night my friend and I went to the "hub" which is a bar/restaurant about 1 min walk away from our dorm. We got tim tam milkshakes. Tim tams are really popular in Australia and its basically just a chocolate wafer but they are good. The Hub is very neat and I look forward to taking all of my visitors there. (They have chess boards available to play so dad get ready to lose).

Wednesday days they have free BBQ lunches. I have to make that a mandatory lunch for myself because things are so expensive it is nice to get a free meal. Wednesday night is Res Wars where each dorm is a team and each week has a different event. This Wednesday was dodgeball, which I love. It was a lot of fun and our team won. We also get free pizza after (Woohoo for free food!)

Thursday morning my friends and I booked our trip to Bali for the middle of April! We are going for 6 nights! The university gives students a couple of days to study before finals but most students travel during that time. It should be a blast. We have planned an elephant safari ride and an ATV tour of the mountains and local area. We also plan to tour the temples and of course shop the local markets. We were also told that massages there are like $10 for an hour so count me in!!

In the day Thursday (today) I ran errands. I had a blast. First stop was to the gambling center. I went and put $20 on the Seahawks winning the super bowl. Then I put $10 on a score happening before 6 minutes. (Thanks Alex for the sports help). Go Seahawks!

Then I went to the mall because I needed to go to the apple store. I couldn't find it so I went up to a kiosk in the middle to ask for directions but I ended up seeing a guy I knew from Bond working. He was doing sales for a college and just had to talk to people that walked by. (side note: I have been really considering getting a part time job because of how expensive things are. I have a feeling of guilt every time I spend money. However, every place wants a bartender or barrister who has years of experience or someone who can work 5 days a week.) Anyway, I then texted the boss saying how I ran into these employees and I am looking for part time work and asked if he was hiring. (I paraphrased my text mother... obviously I was more professional than that). He responded saying to email him my resume! The guy I talked to only works one day a week from 9am-5pm. That would be perfect. I'll keep you updated.

Then I got lunch at Subway. Everything is relatively similar. The chips are all different brands (no Ms. Vickeys). Some different veggies. The biggest difference though is the cheese! Very disappointing coming from Wisconsin. They only have swiss and cheddar.
The cheese at the dinning center is also very much subpar. I've just been too spoiled! (pun intended) 

Tonight my friend and I went to the beach and town just to hang out. It was relaxing and nice.
 (picture from this afternoon)

Tomorrow I leave for Byron Bay for the weekend. I am excited for the trip! It sounds like a ton of fun and I know a good amount of people doing the trip!

Last comment. It's the end of week 2. I have 14 weeks here. Time is going to fly by. Aunt Lori is coming soon and then my family is visiting and then the Oenick sisters are coming and then Bali and then my time here will be over!
Bond handed out study planners to students that has all the weeks and days listed and for you to fill in your assignments. However, this visual reminder is really making me realize how short I am here for! I considered X'ing out each day as it passes, but I don't want to have a visual count down for when I leave. I might have to take it off my desk towards the end because its almost too much of a reminder. Next post I'll have to take a picture of this great/awful calendar.

1 comment:

  1. "the Oenick sisters are coming" hahah glad to have made into a blog post. I'm counting down the days!!
